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                                                                                         The Problem History 

            Ailuopoda Melanoleuca also known as the giant panda is a very popular mammal in china. The closest relative is being argued by scientist to be between bears or raccoons for its body and fur pattern. All wild giant pandas live in the dense bamboo forests of the western mountains in china; they eat shoots, leaves, and stems of the bamboo. Giant pandas are excruciatingly rare Even other famously endangered mammals tigers, gorillas, black rhinos, Asian elephants outnumber them, both in the wild and in captivity the giant panda population is between 700 and 1,200 and 140 live in zoos and breeding centers this is because they are an endangered species. Main threats are habitat destruction, pouching, periodic die offs of bamboo, loss of genetic diversity. There are many centers to help save the giant panda from extinction like the  reproduction of endangered species , also  china wildlife conservation organization / of course the north American giant panda conservation /, and  Memphis zoo.

            Some examples of why this species becoming extinct is because of all the predators attacking baby pandas, the pouching in the wolong natural reserved for the price for panda fur in the black market is big enough to make somebody rich, as for nature in the times a hungry panda can move to a new habitat but the land has been taken for people in china so it is hard for the pandas to find food plus tree cutting affects the bamboo and makes less bamboo. Even when tourism sometimes pollutes while it also pays for nature to get better but sometimes it hurts more than it saves. the world’s scientists and conservationists met in 1961 to plan how to publicize the threat to wildlife also wild places and to raise funds to support conservation projectsthey decided to launch the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).Though governments in 1970s came together to protect endangerd wild life. in 1973 the united states congress pased the endangerd species act also 1973 one hundred nations signed the convention on international trade in endangerd species in that same year.

             In 1984, the giant panda was transferred from Appendix III to Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)Trade in the species or its products are subject to strict regulation by the ratifying parties, and trade for primarily commercial purposes is banned. 1990s numbers showed that the drive to save the panda was falling short so china with help of the WWF the united states and other nations adopted the panda management plan. As for the breeding centers though naturalistd prefer that endangerd species breed in the wild the giant panda is an exception because  giant pandas don’t breed to well so they need help breeding So in breeding centers they find ways to help pandas breed. Its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China, is increasingly fragmented by roads and railroads. Habitat loss continues to occur outside of protected areaswhile poaching remains an ever-present threat.

 significant to Humans

            The giant pandas extinction will affect humans because like any other animal in the world it is significant to its environment. Their environment is in some parts in china and in one of the parts in china it is called the Yangtze Basin Economic benefits derived from Yangtze Basin Economic on china include tourism , subsistence fisheries , agriculture, transport, hydropower , and water resources.The survival of the panda and the protection of its habitat will ensure that people living in the region continue to reap ecosystem benefits for many generations.it will also hurts culture of people in china because the panda is a symbol in their culture. Also hurts people emotionally if they all die out because giant pandas are very popular so some people will be sad if they die out.  The animal of your own logo


            Now lets not forget its body structure is unique so scientist would like to study it more but they wont be able to if they are all gone . Plus putting pandas in zoos gives china tons of money for the panda needs to be treated first class if ever to be in zoos . also the panda is the poster child of the WWF so if you can’t save the panda what would it look like if they try to save another animal it wont look like it would sucseed if you cant even protect the animal of your own logo. So pandas like any other endangered species in the world are important.

Area were pandas live in